The Clearest Guide on Your Fivefold Ministry Journey
Steady Progression Through Every Major Point in Your Call
Called. Commissioned. Mandated.
Your Ministry Survival Guide To Steps Of Maturity
Begin Your Journey
It feels like Apostle Colette Toach is giving you personal direction on each page.
This standout book from Apostle Colette Toach offers the most wisdom per page that you can find on ministry acceleration. It’s precise, specific, and a little snarky!
Step 1: Get Your Copy of the Called. Commissioned. Mandated.

Step 2: Get Your Free Course
“Calling means that you shift from where you are at present into the Lord’s presence. To answer the call is to begin walking towards the throne room.”
You Can’t Be Sent Until You’ve Been Called
Excerpt from Chapter 1
Many want to know where they should go. They want to know what they should do next for the Lord. They all say, “I’m here, Lord! Send me!” Well, have you even been called in? Have you come into His presence to receive what He has for you?
When you don’t understand what you’re supposed to do with your call, you stand in danger of circling the mountain for 40 years. During our stay in Washington State, one of the freeways was under construction and the turnoff wasn’t clear. We missed it 3 times! So, we kept looping the same stretch of freeway for 20 minutes until we finally saw that exit!
I’m not a patient backseat driver. It was an intense 20 minutes added to our 2-and-a-half-hour drive from the airport! Perhaps that’s how you feel about your call. Frustrated! Impatient! Every time you pray, God tells you the same things again and again.
You think that this time, for sure, you got it. Nope. You must’ve missed the exit because Siri’s snarky voice booms with, “Recalculating route. Take the overpass in 3 miles...
“Let’s stop for a minute and take stock. What you’ve lived is about to become very clear to you.
I think that you’re ready to shift. Things aren’t opening up for you because you keep wandering the desert in the first leg of your journey. Let’s see where you’re at. What is the time until you reach your destination?
It’s very possible that it took you a while to comprehend that “called” means to enter His presence. It will explain why the Lord took you through seasons of silence. If you missed the memo, it’s possible that you pushed hard to “go out.”
God might have used you. It’s even possible that you saw an increase in the anointing. You racked up a list of accomplishments for the Lord. However, at the end of it all, here you sit; right back at the same exit, wondering why you haven’t seen progress toward your mandate.
You feel like you’ve wandered many roads and never arrived at your destination. You feel this way, because it’s true. Each road you’ve traveled has added to you. You’ve gained skillsets and anointing. You’re dripping with wisdom and ministry experience.
If this qualified you, wouldn’t you know your mandate then? You get to mandate once you complete the called phase and then move through commissioned. So, let’s make it clear. Begin with this solid conviction: you are called!

10 Things This Book
Will Teach You:
How to embrace the reality of your call
When you should wear a ministry title
What it means when God shifts your circumstances, relationships, and ministries
What it takes for your vision to grow
What you have to do for ministry doors to open for you
6. The qualifications to access your mandate
7. Why you can’t alter your call (For better or worse)
8. How to prioritize assignments that lead toward vision
9. How to identify and excel under focused pressure from God
10. How to acquire a blueprint from God
And that’s just the first few chapters…
Called. Commissioned. Mandated.
By Colette Toach
Get Your Copy of
Called. Commissioned. Mandated.
Let Me Tell You More About The Book
Projects. Planning. Instruction.
Called. Commissioned. Mandated. offers the strongest guidance for your ministry direction. In this short book, there are 25 projects that clarify your progress and the steps you need to take for full maturity.
It offers counsel, information, and recommendations for your ministry's growth.
If you’re having trouble moving forward in your call, the problem isn’t you. The problem is you don’t recognize the signs to level up.
It has nothing to do with where you failed or succeeded. You just need a guide to point out the opportunities for your personal development and maturation.
Called. Commissioned. Mandated is incredibly strong at making your crooked roads straight. Every page makes your process clearer and increases your boldness in God’s direction for your life.
Apostle Colette Toach is one of the church’s experts in fivefold ministry leadership. She is known for simplifying the too-often mystified ministry roles into easy-to-follow guides.
Here, she builds your knowledge in the stages of ministry. This includes embracing your call, accepting an assignment, and developing a vision. Know every step you need to take.
As you read, you’ll feel like she’s training you one on one. She’ll help you identify landmarks you’ve already passed and where you’re at today. To name a few… the day you embraced your call. How God prepared you for ministry.
The skills He taught you to excel in your position. This guide was created to give you answers and keep you moving forward.
About Colette Toach

Apostle Colette Toach is a writer and minister focused on fivefold ministry training, leadership, and team building. She is the author of 40 books that are sold worldwide in Christian colleges, training schools, and church meetings.
Her best-selling book; "The Apostolic Handbook" is used in Wagner Universities Apostolic Leadership course.
Her teachings have been published in Charisma Magazine and she has been interviewed on many podcasts such as Dr. Steve Greene’s Greenelines.
She and her husband Apostle Craig Toach, host the Next Gen Prophets podcast which has reached 320,000 prophets in over 100 countries.
It is how she was shaped by the hand of God, including her God-given circumstances in life, that has qualified her to stand in the positions she has been delegated and to be the person that she is today.
Connect with Colette Toach at Toachministries.com
Subscribe to Charisma Podcast Network! Next Gen Prophets Podcast: https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/nextgenprophets
Apostle Colette Toach Records
The number of books authored and published
325 +
The number of podcasts episodes released and counting...
The number of sermons preached and audio messages recored
The number of prophets reached and equipped for their calling